* Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Kiara Child Specialist Clinic
Child Specialist Clinic (Paediatrician Clinic) located at Solaris Mont Kiara, providing specialist, professional, personalised quality care within a child friendly environment in the local communities of Mont Kiara, Hartamas and neighbouring Bukit Damansara & Bangsar.
Consultation Hours
* Saturday: 9am - 1pm

- Newborn and well baby care
- Childhood immunization
- Development assessment
- Developmental and behavioural care advice
- Infant nutrition and growth advice
- Asthma and allergy management
- Travel medicine and vaccination
- Expanded immunization services (H1N1 vaccination)
About Kiara Child Specialist Clinic

Human milk is the healthiest form of milk for human babies
Breastfeeding promotes health, helps to prevent disease, and reduces health care and feeding costs.
Breastfeeding continues to offer health benefits into and after toddlerhood. These benefits include; lowered risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), increased intelligence, decreased likelihood of contracting middle ear infections, cold, and flu bugs, decreased risk of some cancers such as childhood leukemia, lower risk of childhood onset diabetes, decreased risk of asthma and eczema, decreased dental problems, decreased risk of obesity later in life, and decreased risk of developing psychological disorders.
The benefits of breastfeeding also extend to the mother. It assists the uterus in returning to its pre-pregnancy size and reduces post-partum bleeding, as well as assisting the mother in returning to her pre-pregnancy weight. and it also helps prevent against anaemia, high blood pressure and postnatal depression. Osteoporosis and breast cancer are also less common among women who breastfeed their children. (Science daily).
As the mother, having people help and encourage you are some of the most important things you will need to breastfeed successfully. The first few weeks of breastfeeding are important. It is a time for learning what works best for you and your baby. It is also when your milk supply is being established. It can be a very frustrating time as well. You have just gone through labor and delivery and may be physically tired and emotionally drained. You and your baby may need to try several breastfeeding positions before you find ones that work. With strong support from family, friends, health professionals and volunteer counselors, mothers who may otherwise have given up on breastfeeding during the first weeks are able to succeed.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) emphasize the value of breastfeeding for mothers as well as children. Both recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and then supplemented breastfeeding for at least one year and up to two years or more.
Dr.Sathiajothy S
Sources:1.www.breastfeeding- mom.com
3.Science daily
Doctor - Pediatrician Is a Children's Specialist
There are many benefits to this type of doctor. Pediatrician specialists understand the best ways to deal with kids. They work with children on a daily basis, and they know how to relate to them and how to make medical procedures less scary. Their offices are typically more child-friendly than a general practitioner, with movies, coloring sheets, and play areas in the waiting rooms, activities in the examining rooms, and stickers or candy treats for children who behave well.
Another benefit of this type of specialist is the understanding and extra training they have as it relates to children's health. Children do not always manifest the same symptoms as adults, even when dealing with the same disease an adult may have. Pediatric cancers often appear quite different than adult cancers, and are also treated differently.
One of the biggest benefits of choosing a pediatrician is the fact that the physician will be a specialist in child development. Developmental problems, when caught early enough to get intervention, can usually be overcome, but a general practitioner may not know exactly what to look for to spot these problems early on.
One of the best sources to go to when looking for a new physician for your children is other parents you know. They will have strong opinions about the doctors they use or have used in the past. If you have particular concerns, such as an unwillingness to vaccinate your children or a child with an ongoing medical or developmental problem, find a physician that has experience with that issue or is in agreement with your parental choices.
If you do not have relationships with other parents in your area, or have a different parenting or medical philosophy than the ones you do know, turn to medical rating sites to find information about a particular doctor. Pediatrician specialists will be listed on these sites, which rate doctors based on patient care and credentials. Be sure you understand how the site rates doctors, and never choose a physician based entirely on information you find online. Instead, use this as a starting point, and then call the office to schedule an interview and meet the practitioner. Find out if the practitioner's philosophies match yours. If they do, and the practitioner has good ratings, you have likely found the right one for your kids.
Remember, your kids will see this medical professional until they turn 18, so take the time to find the right doctor. Pediatrician specialists will become lifetime friends and the experts you turn to when you are scared and have medical concerns for your most precious treasures - your children.
If you are interested in learning more about a children's doctor, pediatrician, or pediatrics, then please see the following for more information: http://www.angieslist.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=A_Aaronson
Pediatrics or paediatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, andadolescents. A medical practitioner who specializes in this area is known as a pediatrician or paediatrician. The word pediatrics and its cognates mean healer of children; they derive from two Greek words: παῖς (pais = child) and ἰατρός (iatros = doctor or healer).
There may be other differences in spelling: in the USA, a pediatrician (US spelling) is often a primary care physician who specializes in children, whereas in the Commonwealth a paediatrician (British spelling) generally is a medical specialist not in primary general practice.
Training of pediatricians
The training of pediatricians varies considerably across the world.
Depending on jurisdiction and university, a medical degree course may be either undergraduate-entry or graduate-entry. The former commonly takes five or six years, and has been usual in the Commonwealth. Entrants to graduate-entry courses (as in the USA), usually lasting four or five years, have previously completed a three- or four-year university degree, commonly but by no means always in sciences. Medical graduates hold a degree specific to the country and university in and from which they graduated. This degree qualifies that medical practitioner to become licensed or registered under the laws of that particular country, and sometimes of several countries, subject to requirements for "internship" or "conditional registration".
Pediatricians must undertake further training in their chosen field. This may take from four to eight or more years, (depending on jurisdiction and the degree of specialization). The post-graduate training for a primary care physician, including primary care pediatricians, is generally not as lengthy as for a hospital-basedmedical specialist.
In most jurisdictions, entry-level degrees are common to all branches of the medical profession, but in some jurisdictions, specialization in pediatrics may begin before completion of this degree. In some jurisdictions, pediatric training is begun immediately following completion of entry-level training. In other jurisdictions, junior medical doctors must undertake generalist (unstreamed) training for a number of years before commencing pediatric (or any other) specialization. Specialist training is often largely under the control of pediatric organizations (see below) rather than universities, with varying degrees of government input, depending on jurisdiction.
Becoming a Specialist
Medicine is often portrayed on TV as a glamorous profession, but it is not. Doctors have a tough job, and it is no goldmine.
This reality check was offered today by Health Minister Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek, who observed that students who did well in the SPM examination inevitably wanted to become doctors in the hope of earning big money.
“Medicine in Malaysia is no pot of gold, even for specialists,” he cautioned them. “The market is competitive, so unless you have the passion, do not go into medicine.”
Dr Chua said some 1,600 medical students were now graduating every year, with the number set to increase to 2,500 annually by 2010. Five years after that, it is expected there will be between 3,500 and 4,000 new doctors graduating annually.
“At this rate, we will achieve our target ratio of one doctor for every 600 citizens before 2020. So the market is going to be very competitive, even for specialists, as we will have a glut of doctors.”
Dr Chua, speaking at the Parliament lobby, said of the 1,600 medical students now graduating each year, 700 were from public universities, 500 from private universities and the rest from foreign universities.
“Being a doctor is not a glamorous job,” he said. “People are influenced by what they see on television and think that doctors lead comfortable lives on high salaries. It’s simply not true.
“Maybe if you are a specialist you may earn a lot of money, but even then, it depends on a lot of things.”
And becoming a specialist is not a breeze, either.
Dr Chua said it would take between 8 1/2 and 12 years, depending on the field of study, for a doctor to become a specialist.